Q: Why Should You Choose Nano Hairstrokes?


There is currently no way to tattoo or create sculptural threads. It is possible to create such thin and attractive eyebrows. Hairstroke technology breathes new life into your brows. Hairstroke brows bring new life to your brows. It can be affirmed that, with Hairstroke eyebrows, you will be beautiful in your own style. It makes it harder for you to be confused with anyone.

Complex and meticulous hairstrokes

To create such a perfect eyebrow, it must be a very meticulous process. After drawing the shape with a pencil, the technician will shape the Hairstroke eyebrow with a nanoinjector on a digital machine. To sculpt each eyebrow to match the previously drawn shape. You really need to use a standard pencil and draw a curve as thin as a real thread. In particular, each thread on each side must be accurately balanced and not deflected even by 1 mm. Only then will you understand why not everyone can create a Hairstroke eyebrow pattern, which requires skilled hands and steady experience.

Using Modern Equipment and Machine

By using digital sprayer with a 0.1-0.2 mm micro-plug, these sharp tips ensure precise ink flow and minimize skin damage. Therefore, the Hairstroke technology is preferred over the Microblading method because you do not need to use a knife to carve the fibers while the ink is still accurate.

In addition, organic inks that blend well with the skin, colored feather strokes are always in harmony. Organic tattoo ink is 100% natural-origin ink with plant pigments such as azo pigments, lacquer pigments, and phthalocyanine pigments. This ink production process must be certified FDI to ensure absolutely no harm to health. On the other hand, the ink is very easy to blend into the skin, creating a true and natural beauty for the eyebrows.

Suitable for Oily-Skin

Therefore, people with oily skin, tend to secrete a lot of excess sebum; the oil makes the ink move, is difficult to color, and is not suitable for conventional eyebrow shapes. But in Hairstroke eyebrow sculpting, this problem is completely solved. The microneedle digital nozzle helps deliver ink directly to the skin layers, limiting surface damage and absorbing excess oil. Therefore, girls with oily skin can be more confident with the extremely good Hairstroke eyebrow-shaping solution.

Finding a Salon have good Nano Hairstroke eyebrows services is very important. Especially with advanced techniques like Nano Hairstroke. Eye Design Salon will not worry you. If you need to know more about Hairstroke technology, please contact us now!

Let’s find out how Hairstrokes technology works first. Unlike microblading or other conventional tattooing methods, the technique is to put ink on the surface of the damaged skin. These methods are very popular because they are simple techniques that are not difficult to learn. And the only tool needed to make it happen is a small blade. Or a regular tattoo tool. But with Hairstroke, the technical requirements are very high. Not only does it cost you a lot of money to take a professional course. And even if you want to do this technique. Then you must have a very good and modern tattoo sprayer and a high-quality tattoo ink line.

Hairstrokes technique makes strokes look like real eyebrows. As the name suggests, this technique makes eyebrows look natural. At the same time, make your eyebrows soft, thin, and longer than with other methods. Is a method of cosmetic tattoo spray without swelling or pain, as well as the shape and color of the laser machine.

Q: What is Nano Hairstrokes?

Yes, it is possible to combine nano hairstrokes with microblading or ombre brow techniques to achieve a customized and enhanced look for your eyebrows. This combination brows allow for more precise detailing and shading, resulting in beautifully defined and natural-looking brows. However, it’s essential to consult with a skilled and experienced eyebrow artist who can assess your unique features and recommend the best combination of techniques to achieve your desired result.

Q: combine nano hairstrokes with microblading or ombre brow?

The Nano Hairstrokes Process

  • Step 1: Consulting: Advise customers on eyebrow shapes that are suitable for the face, feng shui, and skeleton. Choose an ink color that matches the client’s preferences and skin and hair color.

  • Step 2: Sketch: Proceed to sketch with a stone pencil first. Create an eyebrow mold for customers to admire and fix the places that customers are not satisfied with.

  • Step 3: Cleaning: The technicians will clean the hands and eyebrow shaping tools for about 15-20 minutes. To ensure the hygiene and safety of customers.

  • Step 4: Anesthesia: Whether it’s spraying, tattooing or creating a model, the anesthetic must first be incubated to avoid causing pain to the client, the incubation time is about 15-20 minutes

  • Step 5: Create a model for eyebrows: The specialist will use a specialized eyebrow-shaping machine to meticulously draw each eyebrow. With a nano-needle tip that glides smoothly on the skin, it does not cause swelling and pain. This step is completed. 30 – 45 minutes depending on the condition of the customer’s eyebrows.

  • Step 6: Check the color of the ink: After the technician is done, the customer will be checked one last time to make sure the eyebrows are perfect, and finally keep the fibers after peeling and apply cream on the eyebrows to help. color retention.

  • Step 7: Customer care: The tattoo artist will advise customers on how to clean, maintain, and care after sculpting.

How Long Does it Take For hairstrockes to Heal?

After the procedure, most people experience surface healing of the outermost layer of the epidermis within 5-7 days. However, the skin underneath continues to regenerate and rebuild itself for several weeks, ensuring that the results look natural and long-lasting. As a result, it's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your Seattle Brow-hairstrockes artist to ensure optimal healing and longer-lasting results. By taking proper care of your brows during the healing process, you can ensure that you achieve the beautiful and natural-looking results that you desire

If you already have a tattoo, can you do hairstrokes?


A Master Artist will look at the photos to determine whether or not we can work with you. Take 3 photos; one straight on, and one from each side, so we can see each tail of the eyebrow. Make sure the photos are:

  1. Makeup free

  2. Filter free

  3. In natural lighting (daylight)


If your eyebrow tattoo is dark, the hairstrokes will not show up. Think about it like this: if you drew an eyebrow on paper and filled it in with a pen, and then drew hairstrokes over it with the same pen, you would not be able to see the hair strokes. 

The same is true with microblading and an eyebrow tattoo. If there is too much pigment density or if the ink is placed too deeply, our artist will not be able to create beautiful, natural eyebrows for you.

Most times, we cannot microblade over an old tattoo, because the previous work is too dark, too deep, or too dense.


Know that we cannot perform pure microblading over a previous PMU because part of our work is covering up the previous work. So, we use a combination or a shading technique.

Shading is when the artist fills in the brow to resemble a powdered look.

Combo brows is when you combine shading with microblading to create a look that has some hairstrokes but is filled-in, giving a fuller look overall.

When we're doing a cover up, the shading allows the artist to blend our work with theirs.

Once you send in your 3 photos, our artist will make a recommendation for what is best with your situation.